Marriage Advice From a Muslim Mother

Marriage Marriage Advice from a Muslim Mother

01. Lead a life of pleasure. Be happy indeed with simple food. The dry chuck and water, which is eaten with pleasure, is better than a rich mess, which is eaten after your persistent complaints, forcing him to grudgingly give it to you.

02. Always listen attentively to what your hubby says. Give significance to what he says and do as he say. In this manner, you’ll soon win a place in his heart, because it isn’t really a person who’s cherished, but what the person does that’s most loved.

03. Tend your beauty precisely so that whenever he’ll looks at you, he’ll be pleased with his choice. Within the limits of decency, use as important scent as possible, and flashback that no part of your body or dress should repulse him.

04. Be always seductive to him, put Surma in your eyes, for beautiful eyes make a person’s total being beautiful in the eyes of the beholder. Bath and do ablution regularly, as this is the stylish incense and the stylish way to cleanliness.

05. Prepare his reflections before it’s time as hunger becomes a honey if not satisfied. During the hours of rest, keep it quiet & peaceful as disturbed sleep makes a man miserable & angry.

06. Cover his home and treasure; let no one enter the house without his authorization and don’t waste his treasure by indulging in exhibition, for treasure can only be tended through good operation and the family only through good sense.

07. noway defy him and always keep his secrets, for defying such an honorable man would put energy to fire, and revealing his secrets would destroy his trust in you. And you, yourself won’t be safe from his( retaliatory) double norms. Someone has correctly said ” To be trusted is better than to be loved. ”

08. still, also don’t mention to him anything that has pleased you, If he’s suffered over commodity. Partake his grief. When he’s happy, don’t expose your retired grief, and don’t complain to your hubby about his geste

. Be happy with him. else you’ll be regarded as one who confuses him.

09. still, also honor and admire him and act according to his wishes, If you wish to be respectable in his eyes. Also at every stage of your life, you’ll find him to be your stylish companion.

10. Hold presto to this advice from me. Sweet flowers won’t blossom in your life as long as you don’t suppress your want for his pleasure. My dear son, my darling! I bid farewell with these words & give you in Allah’s care. May He make all the way in your life good and save you from all wrong.

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